- IP hints and tips
Trade Marks
- Acquired distinctiveness
- Clearance searching (in Europe and the UK)
- Comparative Advertising
- Differences between EU and US trade mark oppositions
- EU Trade mark Fast Track Applications and Harmonised Database
- EU Trade mark Registration
- EU trade mark tips for specifications
- EU trade mark v national applications
- EU trade marks vs community registered designs
- Opposition procedure at the EUIPO
- Seniority Claims - How to decide which route to take
- Brexit - Best practice for designs
- Design Drawings
- EU Registered designs
- EU trade marks vs community registered designs
- EU vs US designs
- Filing an EU design application
- Hague system
- Registered community designs – General hints and tips
- Unregistered design rights
- Unregistered designs in the UK and Europe
- Opt Out guide
- Accelerated prosecution at the EPO
- Adding and removing inventors
- Appeal proceedings at the EPO
- Are electronic signatures acceptable?
- Controlling the speed of prosecution of European patent applications
- Correcting minor errors at the EPO
- Drafting a good assignment
- Electronic signatures at the EPO
- Foreign filing licences
- Foreign language filing
- Grace periods
- Licenses of right
- Marking
- Methods of treatment at the EPO
- Need to record a change
- Opposition proceedings at the EPO
- Oral proceedings at the EPO
- Patent renewal fees
- Post-grant validation translation requirements
- PPH - A Faster Route To Grant
- Registration of UK patents abroad
- Restoration at the EPO
- Software and business method exclusions in the UK, at the EPO and in the US
- The European patent register
- Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court
- Using the EPO on-line official register as a goldmine
- What’s the difference between utility models and patents?
- Working requirements in Hong Kong
- Working requirements in India